Some of my books...

Bound by the Billionaire
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"Richard’s hands danced across my bound and naked body, sending waves of pleasure through me. I tried to resist, but my body craved more than just his
Test Drive
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He needed a receptionist. She needed cash. Neither wanted to get attached.

Jordan Connors has a perfect life. He owns his own
Guns & Burning Rubber
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Trapped in the basement, her hands cuffed, Kara stared up defiantly as the big biker advanced towards her. She knew she was on her own,
On sale now for Amazon Kindle, FREE through Kindle Unlimited - click here!
Seth Chase.

Everyone knew his name - the star quarterback for the Hawks, a football player known more for his appearances in the tabloids
The Escaped Girl
Exclusively for Kindle, available for free through Kindle Unlimited!
My ex-biker boyfriend hadn't told me about his past life. He hadn't told me how his old gang was up to the neck in shady drug deals.
The Stolen Girl
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”Hello, little kitty,” the big biker leered at me as I shrank back in fear. His black glove reached out for me. “You're
Kane's Ransom
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No one walks away from the Mob...
Killian Kane, a former Mafia man. Afer years of doing the Mob’s dirty work, Killian wants nothing but to be
For Love of Honor cover

For Love of Honor

On sale now for Amazon Kindle, FREE through Kindle Unlimited – click here!

For Love of Valor cover

For Love of Valor

On sale now for Amazon Kindle, other stores, just 99 cents – click here!

Fool Me Once cover

Fool Me Once

On sale now for Amazon Kindle, FREE through Kindle Unlimited – click here!

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